People procrastinate in different ways. Some people put off doing…
16 Of The Best Pregnancy Announcements Ever!
Forget the telephone. Forget the text message. Pregnancy announcements are the reason the Internet was invented, assuming it was invented as a place to have fun and share photography. I mean, I’m fairly certain that was what the US Department of Defense intended when it started developing it in the 1960s. Today, it seems there’s no limit to the creativity parents are displaying online as though this was clearly the Internet’s entire purpose all along.
Here are 16 of the best pregnancy announcements we feel epitomise the ingenuity and love parents hold for the new addition to their family. These pregnancy announcements serve as inspiration and include ones you can easily replicate – a wonderful way to share your own joy with your friends and family.
1. Big Sister Love
Here, Mum surprises her two daughters with news of her pregnancy by way of a gift that they open up. Their reaction is priceless, particularly when shown a photo of the ultrasound. Lots of happy tears and happy screams of delight from these girls.
2. How Babies Are Made
I mean, it’s obvious isn’t it? Energy in. Energy out. More of a baby arrival announcement, but these parents were clearly planning this photo montage from the beginning.

Photography: Patrice Laroche
3. Family Shock
This one is gorgeous as it gets the whole family together to be part of the announcement to friends and family. The little girls (and Dad) are putting on a great act for the camera showing that Dads aren’t the only ones to be surprised and excited about the new family addition on its way.
4. Movie Poster
“Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending” wrote Jim Henson, so it makes complete sense to create a movie poster to announce your impending arrival! The best (and longest) movie you’ll ever see!

Reese Stanley Photography at
5. Joke’s On Future Dad
If you’re looking for funny ways to announce pregnancy, here’s a little bit of trickery that didn’t really hurt anyone while being filmed! Watch the frustration as this future Dad looks for something his wife says is in the fridge, but clearly isn’t. He is so insistent on finding what he is looking for that he misses the other rather odd thing in the fridge.
6. Balloon Family Fun
This family sure is growing and there’s a place in the photo for number 5! Here’s one way to get the kids involved so they fully understand it while capturing the beauty of a pregnancy announcement on camera.

Photography: Ryan Arrowsmith Photography
7. Telling The Inlaws
Funny pregnancy announcements are the best! Here’s a birthday present with a twist as this man discovers he’s going to be a Grandpa. It’s Grandmother’s reaction that will have you sharing in the tears of joy!
8. From The Shadows
Just like any other couple photo except … Here’s an announcement from the shadows. For this beautiful, subtle announcement all you need is a photo and a friend who knows Photoshop.
9. Trip To Aruba Anyone?
After 5 years of infertility, this mother to be surprises her partner with the news disguised as a video competition entry to win a holiday to Aruba. His response is just precious. There goes that holiday … !
10. Not An Only Child For Long
If you have an only child who’s too young to understand the full impact of your pregnancy, this can make for an hilarious photographic moment. Write a sign saying ‘Only child expiring ….’, have them hold it or place it on their cot then photograph their reaction. Shock, confusion, laughter, crying or screaming are some of the unexpected results. It’s all staged of course, but in a spirit of good fun.
11. Expected to Pop
As far as pregnancy announcement ideas go, this is old classic, but one all parents can easily do at home. Here the prospective parents blow up a balloon and reveal the words to the camera. If only pregnancy itself was that easy!

Photography: Heather Marshall Photography
12. Photo Booth Surprise
What a perfect place to tell your partner that you’re pregnant! In addition to capturing some candid snaps, tape your iphone to the booth to record some video as well! Because the whole world deserves to see future Dad’s reaction to the news, right? Poor Dad. Oh not really. It’s wonderful to see this Dad’s heart melt as the camera starts clicking away.
13. Chalk It
Find a chalk board, grab some coloured chalk and get as creative as you like! This one-dimensional hand drawn cot won’t simply be chalk for long! A wonderful activity the whole family can be part of.
14. Big Shoes To Fill
Actually, quite little ones! Find some matching shoes for this photoshoot. If you can’t afford Converse brand, find others you can afford. One pair of shoes each for the whole family with the final pair waiting to be filled by new little feet. An arty style of pregnancy announcement that will look amazing on a canvas collage alongside newborn baby photos.
15. Bun In The Oven
The best thing about pregnancy announcements is seeing big tough looking grown men reduced to tears! Watch when this father-to-be discovers a bun in the oven … literally!
16. Ultrasound Joy
Here’s a cute, yet simple shot all of us parents to be can easily and successfully replicate. This will double as a wonderful Facebook share and an adorable photo you can include as part of a canvas collage once baby is born.
Another wonderful creation the Internet has enabled is the ability to create a canvas print online. Now, you can easily hop online and print your own pregnancy announcement to canvas as a keepsake, so you can remember the momentous event and your incredible creativity.
As soon as you announce your pregnancy to the world – or at least your Facebook followers – go online, create a canvas print or canvas collage and hold that special moment close to your heart every day.