Taking Joyous Baby Photos

Taking Joyous Baby Photos

The first thing people do when they bring a newborn baby home is start documenting its existence in photos and video. While this usually follows a predictable pattern – a deluge of completely random images, followed by a slowdown when lack of sleep and repetition takes its toll – one…
Landscape Photography Like No One Else

Landscape Photography Like No One Else

One of the most popular subjects for photographs at any level – from amateur to professional – is the natural world. Landscape photography combines the sheer power of the natural world with the formalising and organising eye of the photographer. This combination of the natural and the purposeful is what…
Homemade Gifts That Don’t Look Homemade

Homemade Gifts That Don’t Look Homemade

When you’re trying to be frugal for any reason – whether because you’re just starting out and resources are scarce or because you’re at the other end of the track and you’re bulking up your super fund as much as you can – you quickly realise that one of the…
How to Use Photos for Design Ideas

How to Use Photos for Design Ideas

One of the more popular new innovations in interior design are online tools on websites where you can upload photos of troublesome spaces and either get suggestions and ideas from people all over the world (both design professionals and amateur enthusiasts) or use editing software to remake the room in…
Trend Dealing: How to Do Black Walls

Trend Dealing: How to Do Black Walls

Sometimes interior design trends come along and they feel right and natural – like something you already knew about subconsciously and just needed a little push to see. Other times you read about trends and wonder how in the world anyone can make that work in their homes. For example,…
Family Photos Project: Before and Afters

Family Photos Project: Before and Afters

Everyone likes to take photos of their family, from the moment that first child arrives. Every moment seems incredibly precious, and the fear that you’ll miss something amazing spurs many parents to become amateur documentarians in their efforts to ensure they capture every potentially important moment in the lives of…
Tips for More Creative Photography

Tips for More Creative Photography

Photographs document our lives and give us the physical reminders that can often surprise and delight us at the most unexpected moments. Who hasn’t opened a forgotten box and looked through some old photos only to be reminded of events, people, and experiences completely forgotten? What’s really amazing about photos…
Using Collage to Capture Complexity

Using Collage to Capture Complexity

If photos can be said to have any limitation beyond those brought to the table by the photographer themselves, it’s that an individual photo can only express a limited slice of an experience. Consider a wedding photo, for example: It captures a second in time, a moment. The imagination might…
Photography Techniques: Black and White

Photography Techniques: Black and White

Black and white was the original standard in photography, but with the advent of colour film it quickly became an artistic affectation. As a result, a million amateur photographers each year briefly think they’ve discovered the shortcut to powerful photos simply by changing their filter settings and producing black and…
Interior Design Tips for Uncreative People

Interior Design Tips for Uncreative People

You’re probably a lot more creative than you think, but not everyone feels confident in their creativity – especially when it comes to expressions as public as the interior design in your house. After all, people will be literally living in your design, and will have an opinion on whether…