The difference between amateur and professional portraits can be vast…
8 Baby Photo Ideas You Simply Must Try
It’s almost universal: no new parent can resist taking photos of their newborn baby. And while many parents feel pressured to take their baby to an expensive professional photographer, we firmly believe that it just isn’t necessary. Not only is there the fact that – given the technological age that we currently live in – most people are walking around with a semiprofessional quality camera in their pocket at all times, there’s also the fact that you, as a parent, are in the perfect position to capture your baby in their most natural, happy, innocent moments. If you feel that you are at risk of taking the same photos of your baby over and over again, read on for our favourite unique baby photo ideas that you can easily capture in the comfort of your own home.
1. Baby Bits
Every tiny part of a baby is a little piece of perfection, and we love this idea of creating a photo collages of your baby’s individual bits and pieces.
2. Tummy Time
From Mom365
Parents are constantly told that new babies need as much tummy time as possible in order to build up their strength. Why not make good use of all that tummy time to take some adorable photos of baby. While some babies never warm to the idea, the majority of little ones grow to love tummy time as it gives them a sense of freedom and the opportunity to move about – even if that just means holding their own head up and learning to reach out with their arms – without being held by someone else. All this means an abundance of smiles ready to for you to capture.
3. The Face Smoosh
Newborn babies have limited vision, which is why they respond so well to having familiar faces brought very close to their own. For a perfect parent-baby selfie idea, bring your faces as close together as possible and then start snapping away. This will work perfectly if you can get baby giggling throughout the photo shoot, as you’re sure to capture some perfect moments in amongst the blurry, eyes closed shots (which sometimes have their own brand of magic, too).
4. The Royal Treatment
From Popsugar
There is every chance your baby is going to be treated like royalty, so get your little prince or princess into the role early. We’ll admit that some baby photo shoots can go a little over the top with costumes, props and sets, but we do love the minimalistic look of this particular scene. A pure white nappy, white blanket, and tiny crown – along with your baby’s dashing good looks, of course – are all that is necessary to perfect the look.
5. Photo Recreation
Now is the time to break out your own baby photos, as well as your partner’s baby photos. If you don’t have any, it’s worth asking your parents, grandparents, and family friends for copies of the photos they’ve got tucked away in their old photo albums. You may be surprised at the similarities between yourself as a baby and your own child, and if it’s possible to recreate any of your own baby photos with your child as the star, you’ll all be glad you did in the future.
6. The Sibling Shot
If your baby is lucky enough to be born into a ready-made family with older siblings, then make sure to include the baby’s sibling in their newborn photo shoots. When they’re older, your baby will be very interested to see what their older siblings were like at the time of their birth, and it’s also the perfect opportunity to capture genuine innocent love between a child and their new baby sibling.
7. All Wrapped Up
By peek-a-boo
While some babies will always resist it, the majority of babies love being swaddled. Giving them the same feeling of safety and security that they had in the womb, a swaddle also prevents baby from startling themselves awake as babies are inexplicably prone to doing. If your baby loves being swaddled, take the opportunity to capture the peace and relaxation on their face immediately after being wrapped up.
8. First Birthday Cake
By the time your baby is celebrating their first birthday they’re not really much of a “baby” anymore, but there are still plenty of “firsts” ready to be captured. And chief among these is your new one-year-old enjoying their own birthday cake. One-year-olds have usually got the whole solid food idea down pat by now, and will love nothing more than having carte blanche with their own birthday cake. In fact, they will most likely be so engrossed with the idea that you will have plenty of opportunities to take photos, so take your time and set up the exact scene that you’d like to capture. The example above does this beautifully, by showcasing a few balloon from the baby’s birthday party, as well as displaying his name in foam blocks in the background. The colour-coordinated hat and nappy set off the scene.
Hopefully the above baby photo ideas have given you a checklist of baby photos to try to capture while your little one is still so tiny. And what should you do with those perfect photos once they’re safely stored on your hard drive? Bring them out of the digital world and into the physical one by printing your perfect baby photos on canvas. You’ve produced a perfect tiny human being and have captured photos to showcase their delightful innocence: now hand the responsibility over to us and let us deliver professional quality canvas prints right back to you.