How does your night-time photography generally turn out? If you…

9 Inspiring Instagram Photography Ideas
There’s so much to explore in the world of Instagram, from recipes to travel inspiration to new artists and creatives. But, while it can be tempting to get inspired by others, we get sick of seeing the same old poses and token Instagram shots in the same locations. Getting inspired with Instagram photography ideas is key to keeping your feed fresh and wowing your followers!
The best part? You don’t need to be a professional photographer to create high-impact content. So, ready to get out of your creative rut? It’s time to get inspired with these exciting Instagram photography ideas that are sure to boost your likes!
1. Use Mirrors
Mirrors can create some of the most interesting shots imaginable – and you don’t even need to leave the house to use them! Get creative by placing a mirror on the ground and taking a photograph of yourself in the mirror. Or, get outside! Take your mirror out in nature and play around taking photos of your reflection.
If you get someone to hold a mirror in front of them, reflecting the scene around them, it almost looks as if the part of them that is covered is invisible. Or, play around with mirrors that already exist in your home, or in office buildings or cafés. They can provide you with a new and interesting perspective.

2. Artsy Food Photos
We’ve all seen food photos on Instagram – and been tempted to take some of our own! But why not push yourself even further?
Get creative and create a smorgasbord of delicious foodie treats, like a breakfast feast, an extravagant cheese platter, or a beautiful flat lay of your scones with a tea set? Try to show food differently by capturing a unique angle, a shared moment with friends or family, or even food and drink in motion, such as wine being swirled around a glass or honey dripping onto a delicious dish.

3. Angles in Nature
Nature can be full of beautiful surprises – it’s knowing how to capture them that can be tricky. That being said, we often think we need to escape to a far-off destination to get those stunning nature shots. And, while amazing destinations can make for amazing photographs, you can also capture some fantastic shots closer to home.
To capture some interesting nature shots, head to a nearby beach, forest, or even a park near you. Try these tricks to get a new perspective:
- Experiment with an interesting angle, like looking directly up at a tree canopy
- Sunset or sunrise photos. You can never go wrong when you’re taking photos at “golden hour” – that hour just before sunset and just after sunrise
- Personal perspective. Getting in the shot yourself with the help of a friend can help provide a personal perspective on the house
- Explore! Sure, you can go to all the usual local spots, but sometimes the most unique shots come from the road less travelled. And you’ll only find those shots if you start exploring!

4. Daily Details
A snapshot of your daily life; beauty products, a book you’re reading, jewellery. These objects should all work together to tell a story. These shots could be a flat lay, a shot of your shelves, or even a little set-up of what’s in store for your night. Perhaps it could be a glass of wine set up by a bubble bath with a candle burning in the background?
Sharing these snapshots on Instagram is like sharing a little piece of yourself with the people you care about, and it can remind you of a calming moment you spent, either with a loved one or just by yourself!

5. Involve your Pets
Let’s face it; pets are always guaranteed to pull in the likes on Instagram, and the more you can capture them in creative ways, the better.
It’s also so easy to get cute photos of your pets! Take photos of them alone, playing with their toys, with a cute accessory like a hat, or in a photo with you. You can get some funny selfies with your pets, or try taking some cute self-timer pics – they can definitely result in some hilarious photographs!

5. Play with Props
When posing, using props is a simple way to focus your photograph and, best of all, it gives you something to do with those awkward-looking hands!
Try incorporating objects that are in your natural backdrop. So, for instance, if you’re at home in your bedroom, that might be a book, a notepad, or a mug of coffee. If you’re outside, that might be a flower or a pair of sunglasses.

6. Underwater Photos
If you’re looking for super creative Instagram photography ideas, you can’t get any more creative than underwater photos! Obviously, it’s important to ensure your camera can be used underwater. Be sure it’s not just water-resistant, but can actually safely be used underwater! A Go Pro is great for action shots and underwater shots.

7. Get Out on the Streets
If you can, get out of the house! Whether you’re exploring your local neighbourhood or going further afield, you can find interesting and unique shots in new places. Explore the suburbs and capture interesting architecture, or go natural and capture local flora and fauna, bushland, or other natural landscapes.
Sometimes even the most mundane things can turn into beautiful shots, like a puddle on the ground reflecting the sky, a pelican fluffing its feathers, or the water in a lake glistening in the sun. Get creative and try to think of things from a new perspective.

8. Pose with Stairs
If you’re around the house but you’re looking for unique Instagram photography ideas, why not play around with different levels? Having different subjects on different levels adds depth to your image, but it can be hard to achieve without the proper equipment.
Posing on the stairs can create some interesting shots. Take your photo either from down below, at eye level, or from above! If you’re posing, try to take arrange your limbs in interesting shapes. Experiment and try something new!

9. Flip Your Camera
For something different, why not flip the script – literally? Normally we take photos on our phones upright. But, by flipping your phone or camera upside down, it angles the camera lens upwards. This creates a different perspective which can make for better photos!

So, now that you’ve got some new Instagram photography ideas, why not start experimenting? Once you have a few amazing photos on hand, why not turn them into art? Check out our range of canvas prints, premium prints, and photo gifts today.