Father’s Day is just around the corner – 3 September…
22 Father’s Day Ideas To Put A Smile On Dad’s Face
“I know that I will never find my father in any other man who comes into my life, because it is a void in my life that can only be filled by him.” – Halle Berry
Whether your Dad is the quiet, reserved type or the life of the party, as part of his family you are one of the few people in his life to know him the best. You know what makes him smile (you!). You know what makes him frown (you!). And you know which buttons to push to rile him up (unintentionally of course!).
Most of all, you know what he loves most – his family. So when considering Father’s Day gifts this year, think ‘family’ and everything will flow from there. To help inspire you to get into Dad’s brain, we’ve put together 22 Father’s Day ideas that will most certainly put a smile on your Dad’s face!
Father’s Day Activities
1. Picnic
Pack a picnic lunch, remembering a picnic blanket or chairs. Take Dad out to the beach or a park, and celebrate the day with family.
2. Bushwalk
If your Dad is active and enjoys walks, then a bushwalk may be the way to go. A little research beforehand will show you the best places to go, and whether you’ll be allowed to light a BBQ while you’re there. Remember to bring flyspray and plenty of water, as September can be unseasonably warm!
3. Bike Ride
Here’s another one for the active Dads. If he prefers cycling to walking you can find a nice bike path to relax and enjoy the scenery at a slightly faster pace.
4. Farmer’s Market
If your Dad enjoys his food, especially when it’s fresh and locally bought, a trip to the local farmer’s market may be right up your dad’s alley. A quick Google search will give you markets in your local area.
5. Watch Sports
If your Dad is a mad sports fan, watching a game together would be the perfect way for you to spend the day doing something that your Dad loves. This year, Father’s Day falls on three big events on the sporting calendar: the start of the American NFL season; Formula One Italian GP Motor Racing (Monza), and the start of the Tour of Britain cycling race. There’s something for every Dad!
6. Theater
If your Dad is more a theater-goer than a sports fan, tickets to the theater might be the way to go. Whether your father is a fan of classic music, plays, or opera, you can find some type of live theater that he’s sure to enjoy.
7. Bowling
Take your Dad bowling. You could include the entire family and make teams.
Father’s Day Gifts
8. Latest Technology
With the release of smart watches, the latest versions of smart phones, and many other personal technology items, if your father is a tech man you can’t go wrong with a new piece of technology for him to get immersed in.
9. Tile Tracker
If your Dad is anything like my Dad, he’s forever losing his keys (sorry, Dad!). The Tile Tracker is a really neat piece of technology that will allow your Dad to locate misplaced items with his mobile phone. Now you just have to make sure he doesn’t lose his mobile!
10. Adjustable Standing Desks
We’re constantly hearing that sitting at our desks all day is contributing detrimentally to our health. So, if your Dad has a desk job, or spends lots of time sitting down each day, you may want to buy him an adjustable standing desk. While it’s not the cheapest piece of furniture you’ll ever buy, it will mean you’ll know you’re Dad is spending some of his sit-down lifestyle standing up!
11. Gourmet Coffee
Many people love the smell of freshly ground coffee, and if your Dad is one of those people, he’ll enjoy a pack of his favourite roasted coffee beans ready to go through the grinder.
12. Favourite Music
If your Dad enjoys music, you could buy him a copy of his favourite album or latest release by his favourite artist. If he’s yet to make the plunge into digital music, you could buy it in CD or record form or, if he does keep his music on his computer, you could buy it as a digital download.
13. Canvas Collage
You could create a canvas collage for your Dad of photos of the two of you or of him in his younger years. We at the Canvas Factory even have a themed Father’s Day collage template to get you started.
Cheap or Free Father’s Day Presents
Father’s Day isn’t just about spending money on your Dad, so we’ve also put together a few ideas or gifts for him that are cheap or free!
14. Call For a Chat
If you don’t live in the same area as your Dad, it’s always a little bit harder to feel like you’re spending quality time with him. Speaking on the phone or on Skype allows you to hear and maybe see him for a while where you can catch up on your lives and maybe some family gossip. But don’t just do it on Father’s Day – resolve to catch up with your Dad more regularly throughout the year.
15. Send a Card
This is another one for someone who doesn’t live in the same place as his or her Dad. Although not many people send much via snail mail anymore, besides bills, it’s always nice to receive a handwritten card in the mail.
16. Cook Breakfast for Him
Get his favourite breakfast ingredients and come over to cook breakfast for him. You’ll be more relaxed than in a restaurant, and you can make sure his favourite food is on the menu.
17. Housework / Wash his Car
Clean your Dad’s house, or even just a room. If it’s been a while since his car has been cleaned, your Dad might appreciate it more if you gave his car a wash. Bonus points if you wash your Dad’s car while he’s busy watching sports!
18. Walk his Dog
Take your Dad’s dog for a walk. He might even want to go on the walk with you!
19. Help with his Latest Project
If your Dad is someone who’s always in the middle of his latest project, and always feels the house could be improved, he might appreciate a second set of hands. Be ready to help out with whatever task he might need.
20. Drawing
This gift is great for Dad and Granddads! Your kids might like to draw a picture and present it to either or both of them on the day.
21. Watch His Favourite DVD with Him
If your Dad prefers to spend his Sundays relaxing on the couch, it doesn’t mean you can’t spend a special Father’s Day together. Your Dad might like company while he watches his favourite DVD. You may not get much talking done, but your Dad will probably appreciate you being there, especially if you order or cook a special lunch to share!
22. Hug
It might seem simple, but when was the last time you gave your Dad a good hug? It wouldn’t necessarily be something he’d ask for, but I guarantee you he’ll appreciate it!
While you’ll surely find something in the above ideas that will make him smile, don’t stress too much about getting it ‘just right’. Keep in mind he’ll appreciate whatever effort you make. That’s what family is all about, after all.
And if you manage to snap a special photo of you and your Dad enjoying one of these Father’s Day ideas, click here and we’ll turn it into a professional-quality canvas print for your wall. Order two, and you’ve got the perfect Christmas present for your Dad – almost 4 months in advance!
To all the Dads out there, have a Happy Father’s Day!